By the end of the 1970s, most beaches in Croatia, including the Poreč area, were arranged, tidy, maintained and full of visitors. More and more diverse activities are starting to be carried out on them and visiting the beach is becoming a trend, a right of all citizens, as well as a certain type of habit.
With the development of beaches there comes the development of beach supplies or equipment. Guests enjoyed swimming and sunbathing, which until today has remained the most important motive for the arrival of tourists, and used a variety of equipment such as rubber mattresses, beach chairs, umbrellas, children's swimming aids, diving equipment, beach props and similar to. Sunglasses are becoming more and more popular, as well as sun creams for tanning and skin protection.
During the 1970s, Poreč beaches became a stage for mass tourism and the birthplace of a real tourist industry.
Copyright, Zavičajni muzej Poreštine - Museo del territorio parentino
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